Thanks again for purchasing this recording of our beautiful 3rd Annual World Spirituality Retreat in Esalen 2012 with Sally Kempton and Marc Gafni.

This Weekend Workshop with Marc Gafni and Sally Kempton was held on November 9-11, 2012 at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, Ca. It was called Falling in Love with the Divine: Devotion and Tantra of the Heart.

It was a weekend of heart-awakening practice–powerful teachings and methods for opening up your hidden capacity for relationship to the Beloved–both within yourself, in the people in your life, and in the world.

It’s been said that the path of love is the easiest of all paths to enlightenment. Relational spiritual practice–devotion–has been part of every spiritual tradition. There are skills to be learned if we want to walk the path of love, and we need to know how to apply them not only in ecstatic moments or times of intimate connection, but also in the moments when love seems far away and difficult to access.

Through talks, meditation, chanting, partner practice and contemplation, we’ll unfold a series of practical steps to an awakened love practice.

You can download a zip-folder of all of the audio recordings here by right-clicking (or Ctr + click for Mac-Users) and save as.

This is a 505 MB file so it might take a while to download.


If you would like to stream the audios you can do so here: