A Free Online Video Course with Dr. Marc Gafni

CosmoErotic Humanism: The New Story of Value – Birthing the New Human and the New Humanity (recorded in 2022)

CosmoErotic Humanism in Seven Chapters:

Chapter 1:  Responding to the Meta-Crisis with a New Story: CosmoErotic Humanism
Chapter 2: Reading Texts of Culture: Don’t Look Up Explores Value, Beyond the Intention of Its Writers
Chapter 3: Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Chapter 4: The Radical Path to the Transformation of Shame: From the Shame of Finitude to the Celebration of Finitude
Chapter 5:  The Leading Edge of Human Identity
Chapter 6:  Towards a New Universal Grammar of Evolving Value as a Context for our Diversity
Chapter 7:  Blessings of the Father and Blessings of the Mother: Am I Welcome in Cosmos?

Each level consists of the main teaching by Dr. Marc Gafni that was recorded on one of seven days during Eros Mystery School in Holland in 2022. It contains dharma talks, practices, prayers, chants, movie clips, songs, poems, and dance sessions – seamlessly woven into one whole. It is kind of like being at a Mozart concerto played on that day – in those hours – unrehearsed and raw – never to be played in that way ever again but recorded for you in this course journey which is reality’s gift for you.

At Eros Mystery School, each level was taught in one day – surrounded by workshops, practice sessions, and time for integration. The online course can be taken in your own time, yet, we gently suggest from our own experience that you take about one week per level in order to stay in the flow of the course.

Each chapter also comes with a transcript which will be published as a book on Amazon, so you can read along if you find that helpful, or go back to certain pieces.

Story Is a First Principle and First Value of Cosmos

In this 7-Day Mystery School we are willing to be with a feeling of terror and at the same time a feeling of exhilaration, almost ecstatic,  at the immense possibility of this time. This is a time of intense terror. We’re going to enter that terror, and stay in it for a little bit, just to feel where we are today in the world.

Most importantly: we’re going to do it with great joy.

There’s a very beautiful phrase from the ancient mystics: gilu be’readah, to tremble with joy isn’t that what Eros is about? I want to invite everyone, to step into this place of trembling with joy

A World of Broken Sensemaking: Abraham Kook at the edge of Apocalypse

We’re going to walk through an enormous amount of material together. There’s a huge journey that we will take. Every chapter, will something to the last, and take another step on the journey. If you think this course is only about your personal transformation journey, this is the wrong course for you. We want to try and do something else.

There’s a writer named Abraham Kook, one of the great Erotic, Evolutionary Mystics and Interior Scientists of the twentieth century. In Hindu terms, think of someone like Sri Aurobindo. There’s been very little written on him, but he’s a major figure in the hidden Hebraic tradition. He said something incredibly important for our current moment, something we can start with to frame everything, which I’ve translated for you:

The shameless behavior of the New World at the edge of Apocalypse comes because the world is already ready to claim the explanation of how all particular details weave together into the All. And we’re not prepared for any detail to remain unconnected with cosmic magnificence — because any detail unconnected with cosmic magnificence will not allow the mind to find ease.

That’s an incredible passage from his mystical diary.

He claims we’re at the edge of collapse because we’re ready to claim an explanation of how all particular details — meaning every detail of my life: my trauma, my dreams, my broken dreams, my hurt, my wounds, my shadow, my glory, my greatness, all personal details as well as political details, economic, and social details — fit together.

In other words, we’re trying to do sense-making, to figure out what’s actually happening. For example, what is happening in Ukraine? It’s not clear. I can tell you six stories about Ukraine efficiently and well. But what’s the real narrative? Try and figure that out without high-level intelligence briefings that contradict each other.

Ultimately, the capacity to do sense-making — about ourselves and about Reality — is broken.

Sense-making is sensual — to know is carnal. Adam knew Eve. She knew him biblically, meaning intimately. The sensuality of the world is broken, because we can’t do sense-making. We can’t know. We can’t be sensual, we can’t be in the Fuck of Cosmos, or in our own fuck, or in any dimension of my life, if we’ve de-eroticized, disconnected from Cosmos. We’ve lost the sensual in our sense-making in two ways:

  • We can’t make sense of our internal
  • We can’t make sense of what’s going on externally, in the world.

We follow particular vectors, within particular filter bubbles, intensified by social media. We ignore all contradicting information, because we’re micro-targeted by the tech plex, which feeds to us that which confirms our original bias.

In America you can live in a Republican or a Democratic district, a Red state or a Blue state. You can scroll down your social media feed, and never see any posts your neighbors in the next state — or sometimes across the street — will see. Meaning, neighbors scrolling through their social media feeds will not see one post in common. It’s shocking. You think you understand each other, but you’re literally not only non-intimate, but in a kind of war.

This operates in our external sense-making, as well as our internal sense-making.

Twelve major schools of psychology all disagree with each other on fundamentals. In other words, no one has actually integrated the big picture. “I went to this Gestalt therapist, it was fine, but then got rid of them. I went to a psychoanalyst, and then to a Rolfing person. Then I did some Core Energetics, some somatic therapy. Then I went to a New Age seminar. Then I did another kind of retreat…” We keep jumping from between different sense-making apparatuses, many of which contradict each other in some fundamental ways. And we don’t quite know how to put it all together — we can’t locate ourselves in it all. Do we just arbitrarily pick one and ignore all the rest of the information that feels dislocated and off in our bodies?

What Kook is saying is that we’re at a cultural moment when, for the first time, we’re demanding an explanation of how all particular details weave together into the All.

Yet, we’re not willing to settle for:

  • This or that Hindu view.
  • This or that Christian view.
  • This or that psychoanalytical view.
  • This or that Marxist view.
  • This or that Republican view.

It’s more than a bit confusing — it’s complicated.

A Time Between Stories, a Time Between Worlds

We’re demanding an explanation of how all particular details weave together; we’re not content to live in a world in which any detail is unconnected with cosmic magnificence. If there’s any detail left out — regarding economics, politics, my own life, my psychology, my sexuality, my relationships — then my mind is not at ease.

This passage from Kook is beautiful, but what does it mean?

Simply put, it means that we desperately need a New Story to live inside of.

We’re at a time between stories, we’re at a time between worlds. It’s unlike any other in-between time, because this time we have exponentialized technologies in every vector of Reality, driven by algorithmic structures that are not even monitored by human beings. They are created by human beings, but then they move independently, creating the immersive environment we live in. Indeed, we live in an immersive environment algorithmically generated by private actors — not by actors investing in the good of the commons — engaged in win/lose metrics. They create the immersive environments we live in, in pretty much every vector. We have exponentialized technologies running across all the vectors.

We have what’s called a race to the bottom, a world governed by multipolar traps, trapped in the tragedy of the commons.

For example, over the last year, two major, potentially disruptive and dangerous, new AI protocols were developed. Why were they developed? Basically, no one is willing to not develop them, even though many don’t think it’s wise. So there’s a race to the bottom, because even if we agree not to develop it, I secretly think you’re going to break our agreement. So, according to the logic, I’m secretly going to develop it anyway.

Toby Ord’s book Existential Risk talks about AI as the single biggest vector of Existential Risk, meaning threats resulting in there being no future at all. And who’s governing it? Who’s guiding it? No one. There’s no world body governing AI. There’s no story guiding the people involved, those generating the technology —no set of First Principles and First Values, no Story of Value.

There’s no story in which every detail is connected to cosmic magnificence.

In other words, we live in a world that’s been de-storied from any narrative rooted in First Principles and First Values, which serves as a Universal Grammar of Value. Only such a new enactment can respond appropriately — and excitingly, and creatively, and ecstatically, and urgently — to the many forms of existential and catastrophic risk.

We’ve unfortunately lost track of our story of value — for many it seems completely outdated. What would it mean if there was a Story of Value that was grounded in our best interior knowledge and the best exterior knowledge? What if it was actually an evolving Story of Value? In other words, it gets newer all the time — which feels intuitively correct to many — but there’s still a story that we live in.

We have a sense of a Shared Grammar of Value that we’re all living inside of. 

This 7-day journey begins to articulate this New Story of Value rooted in First Principles and First Values of Cosmos.

CHAPTER 1  Responding to the Meta-Crisis with a New Story: CosmoErotic Humanism

1.1 Story is a First Principle and First Value of Cosmos 

  • Setting our intention: trembling with joy.
  • A world of broken sensemaking.
  • A time between stories, a time between worlds.
  • Infrastructure, social structure and superstructure.
  • Super structure: the story we live in.
  • First Values evolve.
  • Reality is not merely a fact — Reality is a story.
  • Yuval Harari reflecting the postmodern zeitgeist.
  • The postmodernist claim: you can’t claim intrinsic value.
  • Terror stricken.
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1.2 Your Story is Chapter and Verse in The Universe: A Love Story

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1.3 The First Principle and First Value of Celebration in the Midst of a Meta-crisis. 

  • What happens to a dream deferred?
  • Living the dream..
  • Sabbath, building a palace in time.
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1.4  The Three Selves: Weaving Past, Present, and Future Together into a New Story of Value 

  • Past, present, and future: structures of Reality itself.
  • Psychological self is rooted in the past.
  • Enlightened self: the depth of the present moment.
  • Evolutionary Unique Self: the future is calling.
  • A New Human and a New Humanity called Homo amor.
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1.5  Distinguishing Between Holy and Unholy Seduction. 

  • Seduce thyself — seduce each other.
  • Take responsibility for your own arousal.
  • We are a band of Outrageous Lovers
  • Contemplation exercise: find someone’s eyes.
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CHAPTER 2: Reading Texts of Culture: Don’t Look Up Explores Value, Beyond the Intention of Its Writers

2.1  Evolving Beyond Regressive Spirituality. 

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2.2  Two Forms of Existential Risk: The Death of Humanity and the Death of Our Humanity 

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2.3  The Movement from TechnoFeudalism to TechnoHumanism.

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2.4  From Hijacked Attention to the Placing of the Heart.

  • We have no choice but to engage with technology.
  • Reclaiming our attention, our heart.
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2.5  Practicing the Placing of Attention: Ode to Joy. 

  • Video clip: flash mob orchestra plays “ode to joy”.
  • Heart blown open: the holiness of the face.
  • Practice: placing our attention — “how could anyone…”.
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2.6  Deeper into the Mystery: The Poetry of “Ode To Joy”

  • Practice: Singing from the heart, to the other.
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2.7  Movies as Sacred Texts of Culture. 

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2.8  Don’t Look Up Part 1: The Collapse of Trust. 

  • Movie clips: don’t look up.
  • Scene 1 — the realization.
  • Five spliced thematic scenes  — why does a three-star general charge for snacks?
  • The collapse of trust as a core quality of Eros
  • Living inside a story of value or living inside a skinner box.
  • Rebuilding trust through a new story.

 Don’t Look Up Part 2: Both Prayer and Fuck are Filled with Eros. (2.9 in book version)

  • Movie clips: don’t look up.
  • 1   conversation is not possible.
  • 2   pseudo-eros and thanatos.
  • 3   conversation is possible?
  • 4   glimmers of Eros.
  • 5   life is complicated.
  • 6   what is love.
  • 7   how do you die?

Don’t Look Up, Part 3: The Collapse of Eros — Reducing Reality to Algorithms. (2.10 in book version)

  • Movie clips: don’t look up.
  • 1   “we love you, peter”.
  • 2   Power over Value.
  • 3   where value truly lies
  • 4   Business or Evolution.
  • 5   nature calls.

Don’t Look Up Part 4: Sweetness Hints at Eros Breaking Through & Changing the Vector of History with a New Story of Value (2.11 in book version)

  • Movie clips: don’t look up — on sweetness
  • 1 — sweetness: hidden faith.
  • 2 — sweetness: eros breaks through.
  • 3 — sweetness: the reunion.
  • 3 — desire: whatever.
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2.9 (2.11 in book)  Don’t Look Up Part 4: Changing the Vector of History with a New Story of Value. 

  • movie clips: don’t look now — the end is nigh.
  • 1 — Eros for salmon & potatoes.
  • 2 — dope stuff.
  • 3 — Divine courage.
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CHAPTER 3: Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing? Divinity Desires Reality

3.1  Prayer: I Want to Know What Love Is 

3.2  The Infinity of Intimacy is the Possibility of Possibility. 

  • Reality is a process, reality is a verb.
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3.3  The Music That Seduces Us Lives Inside Of Us. 

The Three Eyes of Knowing ( 3.4 in the book)   

  • Practice: finding love in the face of the other.
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 Rainbow music with Shimon Lev Tahor and Krista Josepha

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3.5  Responding to Existential Risk with a “Direct Hit”: A New Story of Value. 

  • The first and second shock of existence.

3.6  The Root Cause of Existential Risk is a Global Intimacy Disorder. 

  • Zero-sum rivalrous conflict governed by win/lose metrics
  • Complex and complicated systems
  • The underlying intimacy disorder.
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3.7  Responding to the Global Intimacy Disorder with a New Story of Value. 

  • A shared story as an expression of Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
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3.8  The Pathway from New Story of Value to Responding to the Meta-Crisis 

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3.9  Telling the New Story: Intimacy is a Core Structure of Reality. 

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3.10  Reality is the Evolution of Allurement. 

  • Cosmos has an appetite, cosmos desires touch.
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3.11  The Evolution of Intimacy: Unpacking the Eros Equation. 

Towards a Cosmo-centric Intimacy: Falling in Love with Reality (3.12 in the book)

Examples of the Intimate Universe (3.13 in the book)

  • Intimacy as the building-block for life itself.
  • The love stories inside of us
  • Video clip: “powering the cell, mitochondria”.
  • Intimacy across species.
  • Movie clip: my octopus teacher.
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3.12 / 3.13  Rainbow songs with Shimon Lev Tahor and Krista Josepha

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CHAPTER 4: The Radical Path to the Transformation of Shame: From the Shame of Finitude to the Celebration of Finitude  119

Practice: Ode to Joy

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4.1  A Song of the Sabbath: Living the Dream

  • Chant: Mizmor Shir.
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4.2  Shame is Multilayered and Insidious: Returning to Eden through the door of Shame — From Pre-tragic to Post-tragic.

  • Eden as iconic western love story.
  • Shame always blocks Eros
  • Simple, crystal clear moral clarity in the pre-tragic.
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4.3 We Live In a Planet Drenched in Shame.

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4.4  The Four Tantric Principles of CosmoErotic Humanism.

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4.5  Shame is Directly Related to Our Early Experience of Desire & Pleasure.

  • Stories of shame: “thomas in the bath” and “Danielle kisses all the boys”.
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4.6  Practice: Telling the Story of a Moment of “Original Shame”.

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4.7  The Four Double Binds of Shame: Who Is Running Your Fuck?

  • If I live, I die.
  • The original, personal double bind.
  • Cultural double binds.
  • Meta double bind.
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4.8  Engaging Shame: Becoming a Shame Detective.

  • Questions that guide us in tracing shame back to source.
  • Marc’s personal story, madly in love with the Talmud.
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4.9 Giving Shame a Voice: The Tantric Interview First Level of Engagement — Shame as a Protective Mechanism

  • The story of vera and the shame of self-pleasuring and rejection.
  • A study on lullabies from all over the world.
  • First level of engagement: shame as a protective mechanism.
  • Second level of engaging shame: shame as a false flag.
  • Third level of engagement: shame as a confession of greatness.
  • Confessing our greatness.
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4.10  The Radical Path to the Transformation of Shame: From the Shame of Finitude to the Celebration of Finitude.

  • The shame of finitude: disgust and powerlessness.
  • Shame of our mortality.
  • Shame of my animality.
  • Shame of my needs.
  • The fundamental double bind: it is shameful to have needs.
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4.11  Healing Our Essential Narrative of Shame and Desire.

  • Reclaiming our vision of desire.
  • Shame and sexuality in popular culture: Star Wars
  • Healing our essential narrative of shame and desire.
  • Desire is a quality of eternity.
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CHAPTER 5:  The Leading Edge of Human Identity.

Chant and Prayer: Don’t Walk in Front of Me, I May not Follow & I Want to Know What Love Is

  • Song: I want to know what love is by Foreigner.
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5.1  The Birth of Unique Self

5.2  The Self-Organizing Universe: Complicated vs. Complex Systems (Eros, Intimacy & Allurement)

5.3  First Principles and First Values as a Structure of Reality — Answering the Big Three Questions

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5.4  The Five Selves & Unique Self Theory: Birthing the New Human.

  • Separation is an optical delusion of consciousness.
  • True Self is an incomplete realization.
  • Consciousness plus desire.
  • Unique Self: the finitude desired by Infinity.
  • Your Unique Gift is needed by All-That-Is.
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5.6  The personal beyond the impersonal: Love as Unique Self expression of your Infinite personhood

  • Exercise: Mythologize, Don’t Pathologize.
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5.7 Six Core Unique Self Needs

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Closing chant with Shimon Lev Tahor and Krista Josepha:

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CHAPTER 6:  Towards a New Universal Grammar of Evolving Value as a Context for our Diversity

6.1  Blessing of the Father: Reclaiming the First Principle of Value OR ““rewriting the value principle back into the story”

6.2 Practice: Transmitting the Blessing of the Father.

6.3 Value as the Fabric of Reality.

  • Song: “fall on me,” Andrea Bocelli and Matteo Bocelli
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6.4  Story = Value = Eros = Desire.

  • Story is information and meaning in Reality.
  • The four dimensions of story: the telerotic universe.
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6.5  A Meta-crisis of Intimacy Yields the Fourth Big Bang: Demanding the Birth of Homo amor

  • The story is not over — there are more big bangs to come.
  • Changing the vector of history with a new story of value.

The Messiah is the New Human and the New Humanity (6.6 in book version).

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6.6  CosmoErotic Humanism Introduces: “Evolving Perennialism” (6.7 in book version).

  • The eternal tao is the evolving tao is the eternal Tao.
  • Infinity plus finitude equals more infinity.

Infinity + Finitude = More Intimacy (6.8 in book version).

  • Homo Amor = More God to Come.
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CHAPTER 7:  Blessings of the Father and Blessings of the Mother: Am I Welcome in Cosmos?

7.1  Unique Self Symphony and the Next Buddha.

7.2  Your Unique Self Meets This Unique, Eternal Moment — What Can We Offer Each Other?

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7.3  The Blessing of the Mother.

  • Song: this is to mother you by Sinead O’Connor.
  • Contemplation exercise: blessing of the mother.

7.4  The Power and Gift of Blessing.

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7.5  Holy Seduction: Beyond the Contradiction of Randomness and Design.

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7.6  The Four Double Binds of Shame in Star Wars: the Ultimate Alienation from Eros of Value and Story.

  • Movie scenes: Star Wars episode iii: revenge of the Sith.
  • 1  — Dooku battles Obi-wan and Anakin: unholy seduction.
  • 2 — General grievous talks with Lord Sidious: manipulation over strategy.
  • 3 — The blessing of the mother.
  • 4 — Yoda fails to honor Eros and life.
  • 5 — Palpatine seduces by corrupting value.
  • 6 — The seduction deepens by playing on real value.
  • 7 — Anakin caught in a double bind of desire.
  • 8 — Greater is the light that comes from darkness: Palpatine plays with Anakin’s trauma
  • 9 — Anakin caught in the double bind.
  • 10 — Anakin cannot find where true value lies.
  • 11 — Anakin becomes Darth Vader.
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7.7  Solomon’s Song of Songs: Reality is a Story of Seduction.

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7.8  Closing: I Am Not Willing to be Written in the Book of Life without You.

  • Contemplation exercise: the book of life & the evolution of love.
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7.9  Closing Chants with Shimon Lev Tahor & Krista Josepha

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Questions and Answers: On Story, Value, Desire, and Suffering.

Every Eros Mystery School we hold one big questions and answer night with Dr. Marc Gafni, where we—according to Hebrew lineage—drink red wine all night, are in deep contemplation and raise our glasses L’Chaim: to life! This beautiful ritual evening is held with evolutionary music by Shimon Lev Tahor, Krista Josepha and the community. Below you can get a taste of the questions, community and music.

Available soon:

Question 1: Is plot also a property of story?

Question 2: What is value?

Question 3: What do you mean by “desire is matter”

Question 4: Is Homo amor the end of the story?

Question 5: The Evolutionary heartbeat of the Cosmos

Question 6: What is the relationship between intimacy and imagination?

Question 7: Why shouldn’t I trust that things are happening and unfolding naturally by themselves?

Questions and Answers: On Story, Value, Desire, and Suffering.

Every Eros Mystery School we hold one big questions and answer night with Dr. Marc Gafni, where we—according to Hebrew lineage—drink red wine all night, are in deep contemplation and raise our glasses L’Chaim: to life! This beautiful ritual evening is held with evolutionary music by Shimon Lev Tahor, Krista Josepha and the community. Below you can get a taste of the community and music.

Chant Earth my Body 

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More soon!!!

Please consider making a donation and participate in the evolution of love!

We offer this incredible course of the Center for World Philosophy and Religion as a gift. We put all our courses online without a pay wall, because we believe in the urgent, desperate need to make the New Story of CosmoErotic Humanism available to whomever needs it. We are not in a win-lose metrics selling courses,  but much rather we are seeking to activate a Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies.

The vision of the Center is a world united in and through diversity by a New Story of Value that dignifies humanity and welcomes us home to the Universe. We imagine a world that keeps the sacred covenant between generations guided by a memory of the future. Our hope is that our writings and teachings will serve to catalyze a now necessary reweaving of the human story. We call this New Story CosmoErotic Humanism.

Anyone with the means to fund this courageous endeavor, is madly welcomed to give as you are able.

We ask you to reach in your heart and offer direct financial support. If you need an estimation, in the past, these courses would be sold for $297. Of course, this is just a suggested donation amount. Whether you can give more or less than our suggested amount is for you to determine. Any amount you can give is deeply appreciated and contributes to the greater cause of articulating a new story of love and power that’s equal to our collective potential and allows us to continue creating our weekly broadcasts, papers, books, and so much more. 

As you bless, so are you blessed. As you gift, so are you gifted.

If you want to connect, please write to us as

Thank you very much.

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John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: “Dr. Marc Gafni’s teaching on the Unique Self radically evolves the way we understanding and realize enlightenment. He is a great teacher of both heart and mind. His depth, practicality and heartfelt charisma will change your life.” (Blurb for Dr. Marc Gafni’s book Your Unique Self)


Barbara Marx Hubbard, founder The Foundation for Conscious Evolution: Marc Gafni is a rising star attracting us toward a future of outrageous love, creativity, wisdom and pleasure as our Unique Selves. He is paving the way for a new psychology and spirituality for evolving humanity to fulfill our enormous potential. He has incorporated the 13.8 billion year Evolutionary Impulse of Creation directly in the heart of humanity as our motivation to love, to grow to become our Unique Selves, the future human. It is a joy to work with Marc. He combines kindness, humor, great erudition and a passionate desire to draw us together in a movement for positive self and social actualization. He is inspiring us to change the “source code of success” as winning over one another, to the new source code of co-creating and co-evolving with one another for the good, the true and the beautiful. He radiates the joy of “joining genius to co-create.”


Kristen Ulmer, World-renowned Top Ranked Professional Extreme Skier and Sports Coach: “I’ve never met anyone so talented at what he does and passionate for his work as Marc Gafni. He is simply spellbinding. He awakens people’s grasp the ungraspable better than any spiritual teacher I’ve ever known. He is a true artist. A creative genius. To not experience his transmission as a teacher in this lifetime, whether in person or through his writings, would be a tragedy.”


Ken Wilber, Author of A Brief History of Everything: “Dr. Marc Gafni’s integral unique self teaching is seminal. The Unique Self work is magnificent, and it belongs among the ‘great books.’ It offers what may arguably be one of the most significant contemporary evolutions of enlightenment teaching. Unique Self brings together East and West in a higher integral embrace of stunning implications. Unique Self is a pivotal step toward an authentic Enlightenment.” (Blurb for Dr. Marc Gafni’s book Your Unique Self)


Michael Bernard Beckwith, Author of Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential: “With exceptional brilliance and an awakened heart, Dr. Marc Gafni speaks to all of us who are interested in the evolution of consciousness. His teachings on the Unique Self enlightenment are essential for the next stage in our evolution. They have emerged from his direct experience, and I highly recommend them.” (Blurb for Dr. Marc Gafni’s book Your Unique Self)


“Medicine is suffering a broken heart. To make it whole, we need to co-create and implement leveraged actions on the front lines of community practice that entail win-win, conscious solutions for all — our community, employers, physicians, and other healthcare providers. The result will be no less than the grand unfolding of a new, integrated future of health and well-being. In solidarity with my brother Venu, Unique Self has called us to help enact this mission.”


Retrospectively, I realize I have been thinking about “Unique Self” for a lifetime. Early on, I began to consider connection & estrangement, and, as subcategories: identity, interiority and both the inevitability & elusiveness of intimacy. Subsequently, these areas coalesced into the psychological, the spiritual and the systemic. When I became a therapist, almost 27 years ago, initially, my professional focus was relational & sex therapy– restoring connection. Organically, this focus began to enlarge to require confronting and understanding the impact of trauma, loss and ruptures in, or blocks to, attachment. Subsequently, I have been learning, teaching in the U.S. & abroad, writing book chapters & journal articles and creating multiple therapeutic programs in the fields of sex & marital therapy, trauma, addiction & eating disorders. Fortunately, every teacher, client, colleague, & audience instructs –every single day. When I met Dr. Marc Gafni and read Soulprints; The Mystery of Love, and then, Your Unique Self, I recognized something in quintessential and elemental alignment. I have since embarked on a project to distill and integrate Marc’s profound and revelatory teaching with my own intersecting thoughts, conceptual frames & modalities. The unfolding creation is called Unique Self Recovery. It’s aim is to synthesize and harness vital transformational elements and present them in a clear, potent & accessible manner that can catalyze and promote growth, healing and authentic embrace of self and other.

Lori Galperin, MSW

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